🚚250,000+ orders shipped
📦250,000+ orders shipped.
If you are a regular customer you may have noticed things have been real quiet at Aussie Gardener this past month!
We've had several customers calling up to check we are still operating and worried they were about to lose their favourite gardening store! (thank you)
The truth is we have been super busy doing a secret project.
We've got an exciting announcement to make and that is we have been preparing to open our first Aussie Gardener retail store in Sydney!
Watch the video below.
For the past 8 years we have served over 150,000 customers across every part of Australia with more than 1000 orders going out every week. This has sure kept us busy! Often we got asked... do you have a store I can visit?
We know that for many customers they like to see and touch a product before making a purchase but up until now that hasn't been an option. (sorry)
Our 1st retail store is going to be on our home property in the Sydney suburb of Dural. If you are not familiar with the area, it is about 45min northwest of the city centre. (Near Castle Hill, Kellyville)
Maybe one day we will be able to add a cafe as well!
For the last 4 weeks we have been working hard creating rustic shelves ready for displaying the Aussie Gardener range.
The landscapers have started this week and in very quick time have excavated the soil ready for paving, water features, mature trees to be transplanted and more. We are so excited to be able to create our first Aussie Gardener store on the property where we live in Dural.
Every few days we will be sharing more posts and videos showing all the projects we are working on. We invite you to join us on this journey that will see us create a beautiful garden centre that is full of character and a pleasure to visit.
We will still be running Aussie Gardener online as usual but now have the option for our Sydney customers and visitors to come and shop in person. That also means we will be able to add more products to our range that perhaps are too akward to ship.
Leave a comment below and let us know if you think you will come visit the Aussie Gardener store when we open in a month or two.
Brian and Kaylene :-)
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