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Aussie Gardener and Power Planter Australia are owned by Brian and Kaylene Chapman in Dural NSW. 

Brian, a Horticulturist and Gardening Presenter discovered the Power Planter when they were looking for a way to plant thousands of bulbs across their Dural Property for a field of flowers project.

"The most exciting part of finding the Power Planters, wasn't just the bulb planting, it was being able to cultivate whole garden beds without having to use a mattock or crow bar! I knew that was going to make a lot of Aussies very happy"

Brian and his team rapidly grew the Power Planter business in Australia and then went on to help the Kiwis across the ditch with their digging.

"We now have thousands of customers in New Zealand and a warehouse over there so their orders can be shipped without delay. The Kiwis love their Power Planters just as much as the Aussies. It's fantastic to be helping so many people"

Aussie Gardener™ is the progression from selling just the Power Planter to now selling a whole range of 'Great Gear for Greenthumbs'  all with one thing in common. They only sell things that actually do what it says on the box and won't be a throwaway item.

Everything is rigorously tested both by Brians team but also by a select group of Aussie Gardener customers.

"We have earned our customers trust and plan to keep it."
Buying online always carries an element of risk so we want our customers to be 100% confident that if they buy it from us, it's going to be good.

Brian is available to speak at
Garden Clubs across Sydney
and interstate (travel permitting.)



Photos of their beautiful Dural Property in Sydney's
North West (right).