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If you consider how much you would spend every year on vegetables, especially those plastic bags of salad mix, you could be growing nearly all of it in your backyard and save yourself thousands of dollars. Plus you get to enjoy the absolute freshest of veggies and herbs without insecticides.
Did you know that unless you are buying organic veggies, just about everything is sprayed with synthetic insecticides and fertilisers to get them looking so perfect on the shelf.
We are only now starting to realise the health effects of things like glyphosate when previously told ‘it was safe enough to drink’. I remember about 25 years ago, meeting the CEO of a large chemical company making glyphosate, and he laughed when he saw me wearing protection gear when spraying glyphosate. He said those very words... no need for that, it’s safe enough to drink. (Please don’t do this)
There are so many effective ways to grow without using dangerous chemicals nowadays that it just makes sense to grow cleanly.
To grow your own veggies you are going to need good quality non GMO seeds that have been tried n tested for generations (that’s what heirloom refers to). This kit of 24 of the most popular varieties of vegetables takes the guess work out of trying to decide which packs to buy when you are at the hardware. Its confusing with so many options. Wouldn’t it be easier if someone just said, grow this one. It’s good!
Realistically there is actually more than a years worth of seed in these packs and you will be able to store them for about 2 years and still get good germination. (Store them indoors in a dark cupboard away from moisture and heat. Not the garden shed as the heat will affect them)
We have put together 24 of the best growing varieties of vegetables in one easy kit. Nothing Genetically modified. All good solid varieties that have been growing in australia for the last 20 or more years. Enough for a full year of veggie growing (and more)
Store these seed packs inside your home in a dark cupboard away from heat. They way they will last about 2 years.
A full years worth of seeds - 24 Top Growing Varieties.
And while you are at it, I recommend you get the very handy little seed dispenser. It allows you to dispense seeds in a controlled way so you minimise wastage.
The bottle top sprinklers are a gentle way to water newly planted seeds without disturbing them like a hose would.
The Aussie Gardener Propagator has been hugely popular with our customers. They are well made and will allow for growing 72 seedlings at a time. That’s the equivalent of 12 punnets of seedlings.
If you live in a cooler area, consider getting this electric blanket for the propagator. It provides a gently heat that radiates through the soil and speeds up the germination process and encourages the roots to grow and head towards the heat. Also very effective to use in the winter months to keep things moving.
Professional nurseries use heat mats to warm the soil for germinating and also for propagating cuttings. They are lovely as a foot warmer too!
If you live in a COOL Climate zone, we highly recommend you get yourself a couple of these. They are like an electric blanket for seeds and cuttings. (Would also be beneficial in Temperate zones during winter)
One of the tricks commercial nurseries use to get cuttings to take well is to heat the beds. It seems that plants dont like having cold toes either!
The same goes for sprouting seeds. Keep the soil warm and they will be happy to wake from their hibernation.
NEW Enhanced Veggie Growing Kit
Want to start growing your own vegetables from seed at home? We've made it really easy with everything you need in our Aussie Gardener Veggie Nursery Starter Kit. From seeds, soil, fertiliser, propagator, plant labels and more!
Aussie Gardener Veggie Nursery Starter Kit Includes: (Each of these are links to the individual product page so you can check them out)
72 Cell Seedling Propagator $34.50
Aussie Gardener Top 24 Easy To Grow Seeds $84.00
Or Aussie Gardener Top 14 Veggie Seeds To Grow In Pots $50.00
Aussie Gardener 3 Pack of Gloves $17.95
Debco Seed Raising Mix $11.99
Debco 5L Vermiculite $12.99
Pack of Three Bottle Top Sprinklers 5.99
500g tub of Ferticote Herb, Vegetable & Tomato - Slow Release Fertiliser $11.16
Pack of 50 Plant Labels and Pencil $7.99
Mini Seed Dispenser $5.99
Aussie Gardener Soil Scoop $9.99
Amgrow Naturals Plant Starter 1L $14.25
Optional Veggie Sowing Planner $19.95
Total VALUE in this kit $236.77
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NEW Enhanced Veggie Growing Kit
Want to start growing your own vegetables from seed at home? We've made it really easy with everything you need in our Aussie Gardener Veggie Nursery Starter Kit. From seeds, soil, fertiliser, propagator, plant labels and more!
Aussie Gardener Veggie Nursery Starter Kit Includes: (Each of these are links to the individual product page so you can check them out)
72 Cell Seedling Propagator $34.50
Aussie Gardener Top 24 Easy To Grow Seeds $84.00
Or Aussie Gardener Top 14 Veggie Seeds To Grow In Pots $50.00
Aussie Gardener 3 Pack of Gloves $17.95
Debco Seed Raising Mix $11.99
Debco 5L Vermiculite $12.99
Pack of Three Bottle Top Sprinklers 5.99
500g tub of Ferticote Herb, Vegetable & Tomato - Slow Release Fertiliser $11.16
Pack of 50 Plant Labels and Pencil $7.99
Mini Seed Dispenser $5.99
Aussie Gardener Soil Scoop $9.99
Amgrow Naturals Plant Starter 1L $14.25
Optional Veggie Sowing Planner $19.95
Total VALUE in this kit $236.77
To know what to plant in which month in your region, The Veggie Sowing Planner is a must have. All the info you need in an A3 laminated poster. There is even space on the back to draw up your veggie beds with a whiteboard marker.
The most requested product we have is the Crop Rotation - Veggie Sowing Planner.
Instead of trying to figure it out yourself, this 1 page guide gives you all the information you need to successfully sow vegetable seeds at the right time, the right depth, right spacing and even know how long it is going to take till they are ready to harvest.
It even takes into account the 4 main climate zones in Australia which have different rules when it comes to how you grow vegetables at different times of the year.
If you want to get off to a great start with growing veggies at home, this planner is a must.
On the back is a grid layout for you to draw up your Veggie Patch and plan out what to grow each season. Along with an example to get you started.
If you want to do things the easy way, get this planner and watch along with the Veggie Class Videos.